
Jumpstarter Crowdfunding

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European Crowdfunding Association Wants to Better Shape the Industry

With crowdfunding continuing to grow in Europe, a new industry body, the European Equity Crowdfunding Association (EECA), formed in late May to represent specifically equity- and debt-based crowdfunding industries. Recently, EECA held its first board meeting, so we caught up with the organization’s General Counsel and Manager Alessandro Lerro to find out more about the association.


Crowdsourcing.org: What is the association’s mission?

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Property Crowdfunding: Thinking Locally, Acting Globally

With news stories emerging daily about crowdfunding for real estate, more and more individuals in the US and abroad are taking note of the new way of investing their money in real estate.


Thus far, with the industry in its earliest stages, the majority of deals are taking place locally, and involve relatively modest sums of money. There have been a few large deals — for instance, the $171.8 million investment in the BD Bacatá building in Colombia — that shows the impressive sums that crowdfunding can raise. The deal, however, was only open to Colombian citizens.

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Crowdsourcing and Ecommerce: Do The Two Go Together?

Crowdsourcing and Ecommerce

Because of the current growth of crowdsourcing, your ecommerce business can now use popular opinion to improve sales and efficacy utilizing an innovative, user-driven model.

There are a few ways your ecommerce business can use crowdsourcing, and understanding these key points will help orient your business towards the customer’s needs, increasing both sales potential and usability. Continue reading

Using Linkedin to market your crowdfunding campaign

As a premium social networking site with 85 million users, Linkedin is well known as a popular business resource for professionals. It’s also a valuable resource for those who want to promote products and services since new members are always being added at a rate of one member per second.

Before exploring ways to enhance everyone’s user experience, there are some topics that should be covered. In comparison to Facebook and Twitter, we can also discuss the tips for Linkedin.

Starting with the basics of both personal and business perspectives, everyone can review who is on Linkedin, how to create a profile and adding a list of their Linkedin connections. Continue reading

Jumpstarter Basics

1. What is Jumpstarter?

Jumpstarter is a crowdfunding platform. Crowdfunding is the process of pooling money from many different people to make an idea happen.

Jumpstarter is a way to discover projects that people are passionate about all over the world; where you can take action to help create more of what you love. Continue reading

Crowdfunding Video Best Practices

Creating a crowdfunding pitch video is one of the most important aspects of putting together a crowdfunding campaign. It is, after all, a chance to make a great first impression and entice the backers to give money to your campaign.

So, to get some thoughts on what makes a good pitch video, we turned to Sarunas Daugirdas and Kc Daugirdas from Elevant Productions. The two were kind enough to answer a few questions via email about creating a great crowdfunding video.

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Five Predictions for Crowdsourcing in 2014

Early last year, eYeka’s Francois Petavy, CEO of the creative crowdsourcing firm wrote that, after a long inception period since its invention in 2007, crowdsourcing would “cross the chasm” and would become mainstream in 2013. This could have sounded like a self-fulfilling prophecy, but it turns out that 2013 was indeed a turnkey year for crowdsourcing. Just have a look at the sheer volume of new projects in this crowdsourcing timeline if you are not convinced. The year 2013 was the year where crowdsourcing came of age and proved it was here to last. What’s next? I see five key trends for this New Year 2014.

1. Managers Will Need Crowdsourcing on Their Resume

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Verifying Facts By The Crowd

Verifying Facts

Not only has the new way of spreading information allowed individuals with little journalistic training (but with good ideas) to create their own blogs and draw in traffic, but it’s also allowed reporters to interact with their readers in completely novel ways. It’s for a good reason that NYU professor Jay Rosen called consumers of news “the people formerly known as the audience.”

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Innovation and User Engagement through Crowdsourcing

Shelley Kuipers, founder and CEO at Chaordix: In the past, large enterprises have expended significant capital on an inefficient group of activities in pursuit of market research, brand insights and innovation. Traditional methods in their service are flawed for a variety of reasons, particularly in their results, where they rarely drive at the scalability and predictability their typical capital investments demand. Notably, a recent Accenture survey indicated that 93 percent of CEOs see innovation as critical to their future success but only 18 percent believe their efforts in service to it are paying off.


When applied with effective methodologies and technology platforms, crowdsourcing communities bring together the ability to address all these areas in an integrated process that delivers an activated, engaged community of brand loyalists and/or employees and, most importantly, actionable predictive insights — all at a considerably lower cost than traditional methods.

Who is buying the services? Who are your typical customers?

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Want to Harness the Power of the Crowd? Consider These Tips

Crowdsourcing involves getting many people to participate in performing a task or generating an idea. The rise in crowdsourcing over the past few years is shifting “where decisions are made, how they are made, how you engage intelligence, how you engage labour” and it is transforming the business landscape, says David Alan Grier, author of the forthcoming Crowdsourcing for Dummies (For Dummies, April 2013).


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