
Ecopreneurs Card Pack: Empowering Sustainable Leaders

environmental friendly

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The Ecopreneurs card set provides a cost-effective physical connection to an accredited, easily accessible digital pathway for self-development.


Why Ecopreneurs Exists:

Our planet faces unprecedented environmental challenges. Climate change, pollution, and resource depletion threaten our future. Traditional solutions haven't kept pace, highlighting the need for innovative approaches. South Africa faces a double threat: environmental degradation and high youth unemployment (59,4%) with an estimated 6.5million living in poverty.

Additionally, independent scientific analysis rates South Africa's climate action plans as "Insufficient” suggesting that there are no current plans to adequately address the needs of vulnerable communities. 

Ecopreneurs presents itself as the solution to these challenges, empowering young South Africans to grow their capacity to navigate the world around them.


Why a Card Pack?

The card pack format has emerged as a successful tool for facilitating learning and capacity-building, particularly for young people in resource-poor communities seeking to develop sustainability leadership skills. Its effectiveness stems from several key characteristics:

  • Portability: Easy to carry.
  • Digital Connectivity: QR codes provide direct access to capacity-building content, including training materials, videos, assignments, group connections, opportunities, resources, inspiration, coaching, and mentoring.
  • Shareability
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Accessibility
  • Ease of Use: Clear instructions provided.
  • Suits Analogy: Different suits represent different aspects of development - Hearts for self-development, Spades for necessary work, Diamonds for opportunities, and Clubs for connections and insights.

The suits analogy offers a comprehensive framework for holistic development. By harnessing these attributes, young people in resource-poor communities can engage in meaningful and impactful learning experiences, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed to lead sustainability efforts within their communities.

How Cards Work:

Each card represents a sustainable topic. In the example below, cards in the Clubs suit, which focuses on connections and insights, prompts the user to think about the effects of factory farming and climate change.

The card user can then scan the QR code on the card and that will take the user to the Ecopreneurs learning platform hosted on Atlas.org.za. There they can access video lessons, resources and quizzes.

Supporting this campaign, you are helping to:

  • Tackle Environmental Challenges: Our ecopreneurs develop innovative solutions for issues like water scarcity, waste management, alien vegetation, and food insecurity.
  • Foster Economic Growth: Empower young people to launch green energy solutions, eco-tourism ventures, and eco-conscious services and products.
  • Build a Global Movement: Inspire a new generation of eco-conscious leaders with homegrown solutions that have the potential for global impact.
  • Ensure a Sustainable Future: Empower young people to build a more environmentally conscious future for generations to come.

Support our campaign today and help us equip the next generation of sustainable leaders!


  • Rewards Name: “Solitaire!”You’ve donated 1 pack of cards! Cost: R 300
    • Reward Type: Social media shoutout & we’ll add you to our list of backers on our website

  • Rewards Name: “A Pair”  You’ve donated 2 packs of cards! Cost: R 600
    • Reward Type: Social media shoutout; we’ll add you to our list of backers on our website & we’re sending you a pack of Ecopreneurs Cards

  • Rewards Name: “4 of a Kind” You’ve donated 4 packs of cards! Cost: R 1200
    • Reward Type: Social media shoutout; we’ll add you to our list of backers on our website; we’re sending you a pack of Ecopreneurs Cards and a T-shirt as thanks!

  • Rewards Name: “Full House” You’ve donated 10 packs of cards! Cost: R 3000
    • Reward Type: Social media shoutout; we’ll add you to our list of backers on our website; we’re sending you a pack of Ecopreneurs Cards, T-shirt and a branded Ecopreneurs diary as thanks!

  • Rewards Name: “Royal Flush”  You’ve donated 20 packs of cards! Cost: R 6000
    • Reward Type: Social media shoutout; we’ll add you to our list of backers on our website; we’re sending you a pack of Ecopreneurs Cards, branded T-shirt & Cap as well as an Ecopreneurs diary as thanks!

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Project FAQ

Who are we?

  • FiveTrails Africa NPC is a South African award-winning non-profit organisation (Winner of The Beacon for Sustainable Living, Good Living 2050 Submission for Sustainable Futures) with a mission to empower young people, particularly those from marginalised communities.
  • We specialise in learning journey development, offering online and in-person courses focused on building resilience, leadership, and Ecopreneurship.
  • Our online learning platform, Atlas, showcases our experience as well as our rapid growth and reach over the last 3 years.
  • Currently, we provide access to our courseware to over 50,000 users, the majority of which are from resource-poor and/or marginalised communities.
  • These courses are free to access to foster self-directed learning and capacity building.

Where are we based?

  • Based in the Western Cape, FiveTrails Africa has been working in the youth development space for over 11 years.
  • Our mission is to offer deeply layered learning experiences in training spaces, as well as a highly accessible digital learning environment, filled with resources, opportunities, and ideas on how to grow the capacity of young people in various fields, allowing them to build their confidence, spark creativity and ultimately change life trajectories.

Why Crowdfunding?

  • We are a non-profit organisation, impacted by the lack of availability of funds/ grants.
  • We believe in building and strengthening community around capacity-building so that young people across the country can take charge of their growth, feeling supported by the people around them.
  • Crowdfunding presents an opportunity to contribute to the learning journey of those in resource-poor communities.

What is the plan once 100% funding is received?

  • Once the funds are received, we will print and distribute the Ecopreneurs card packs to 180 high school students who form part of the pilot Ecopreneurs schools program.

Get the Stats

  • 36 Projects
  • ZAR 1,328,524.45 Funded

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