
Jumpstarter Project Promotion

By Jumpstarter Crowdfunding

While an exceptional project can find outpourings of support from all over the web, much of your support may still come from people who already know your work: your fans, friends, and community. Read on for tips on spreading the word about your idea, and getting people as excited about the project as you are.

Getting Started

Prepare an outreach plan.

Before you launch, think through how you’ll approach promoting your project. This step-by-step guide will help you think through all of the ways you can spread the word. Outside of your nearest and dearest, who’ll be interested in what you’re doing? Gather lists of relevant blogs, media outlets, and online communities — like forums, message boards, or Facebook groups you know will care about your work. If you’re making a board game, think of the games communities you can send word to; if it’s something for kids, think about parenting forums and blogs. Compile your contact lists, and organize your strategy.

Announce your project.

Once your project is live, let people know! Share it on Facebook, and send out a few tweets. Email friends and family. Keep your mailing groups small and your messages personal, showcasing your project’s unique features and rewards — a personal note tends to get a better response than a form letter. Try not to overwhelm people with e-blasts and group messages, but do remind your networks throughout your project’s funding.

Pitch the press.

But first, do a little research. Google topics and projects related to yours and see who writes about them, and find venues and publications that cover similar work. Explore where your project fits in the broader context of your field. Check out this video for advice from other creators on how to get press coverage.

How to Pitch Your Project

If you’re getting in touch with the press, make sure to include the essentials: who, what, where, when, and why. People appreciate concise messages that respect their time and give them exactly the information they need. Put yourself in their shoes, and tell them why your idea is worth covering. Some tips to remember:

  • Twitter is your friend.

    Many reporters list direct contact info there.

  • Keep your contact lists targeted.

    Reach out to people and sources you know are interested in topics like yours.

  • Mention who’s available for interviews.

    That goes double if prominent folks are involved in your project.

  • Offer any content you can.

    Show off a sample, a trailer, or a preview.

  • Be thoughtful about timing.

    When will it be most relevant to cover your project? And how long do you think each media outlet will need to prepare a piece?

  • We have resources for you.

    You can provide press contacts with a link to your Project Page and for information on Jumpstarter itself.

  • Don’t be pushy.

    Be considerate — bothering people can have bad consequences for your project.

Some Inside Tips

Here are some things that are definitely worth trying:

  • Host an event.

    Rally close friends and fans with a party, performance, or get-together. Bring along a tablet so people can make pledges on the spot — or send out a link to all your RSVPs letting them know they can pledge via the Jumpstarter app, right on their smartphones.

  • Line up help.

    If your goal is ambitious, you might need more than just yourself to get the word out. Get others involved — like your collaborators, peers, or cast and crew.

  • Keep your wits about you.

    You might get some strange offers. You might feel overwhelmed. You might get an extraordinary media opportunity you never expected. Just keep things in perspective and you’ll do great!

And a few things you definitely shouldn’t try:

  • Don’t spam.

    People will like your project a lot better if it’s coming from an amazing, creative person — not from someone acting like a spambot. Visit our Jumpstarter Guidelines for more information.

  • Don’t trust every offer that comes your way.

    If a marketing offer seems too good to be true, trust your instincts! And make sure you know what you’re actually being offered — you don’t want someone sending spam on your behalf.

  • Don’t expect magic.

    Chances are, you can’t just toss your project out into the world and sit back while everyone raves about it. Put in the work to let people know what you’re doing, and watch your efforts pay off.


  1. Harriet

    I’m Harriet, the Project Manager of the organization called Clean Touch which is based in Orange farm Johannesburg South.

    Our main objective is to raise funds to buy land and start a new project to offer different training on different skills that will empower, develop the youth women and men, and build a resilient family sustainability income to alleviate poverty in our community!

    I’m very grateful and honoured to be the part of Jumpstarter and LM looking forward to learn more of the Jumpstarter Project Promotion. Thank you, Harriet!

    • Jumpstarter

      Thanks Harriet,

      We started Jumpstarter as a new way for creators and audiences to work together to make things. The traditional funding systems are risk-averse and profit-focused, and tons of great ideas never get a chance. We believe Jumpstarter could open the door to a much wider variety of ideas and allow everyone to decide what they wanted to see exist in the world.

      Jumpstarter is full of ambitious, innovative, and imaginative ideas. Many of the projects you see on Jumpstarter are in earlier stages of development and are looking for a community to bring them to life. The fact that Jumpstarter allows creators to take risks and attempt to create something new is a feature, not a bug.

      Our Frequently Asked Questions, Guidelines and Jumpstarter Crowdfunding video are great for understanding how to use our crowdfunding portal.

  2. Kgomotso Josephine

    Afternoon, my name is Kgomotso and i am doing a business in cleaning services of mattress, couches, carpets, car seats and car wash. my business has a lot of potential but i am struggling to get the desired results and thought being on this platform can assist. the growth of the business can create a lot of opportunities for the unemployed. can someone assist me in this regard on how to get started and utilize the platform to attain the desired results?

    • Jumpstarter

      Thanks for your message Kgomotso.

      Please read our Frequently Asked Questions here.

      To get a project properly setup for funding, we advise you review our article 7 Things to Consider BEFORE you Launch your Crowdfunding Project.

      Please remember, Jumpstarter is a Rewards-based Crowdfunding portal.

      People donate to projects for

      • REWARDS! Project creators inspire people to open their wallets by offering smart, fun, and tangible rewards (products, benefits, and experiences).

      • STORIES! Jumpstarter projects are efforts by real people to do something they love, something fun, or at least something of note. These stories unfold through blog posts, pics, and videos as people bring their ideas to life. Take a peek around the site and see what we’re talking about. Stories abound!

      Our Frequently Asked Questions, Guidelines and Jumpstarter Crowdfunding video are great for understanding how to use our crowdfunding portal.

      • People appreciate it when Project creators show who they are and how the’re personally involved to bring their project to success!
      • There is importance to add Featured Image/s to showcase your project / idea
      • It is important to add a few Rewards offerings (at least 3 = entry level, intermediate level etc) for potential Project Backers
      • Adding a brief video to tell your story is also very powerful.
      • Ensure your project time period is between 1-60 days.

      Please review the ‘Gus Brown – Help us along our journey to create our Debut Album called #Fullcollision‘ and ‘Adopt A Child For Christmas Campaign‘ campaigns which were well constructed, launched successfully and exceeded their goals!

      Once all the

      (1) details are understood,
      (2) correctly setup through our Start a Campaign page,
      (3) reviewed and approved to be ready by Jumpstarter admin team,
      (4) we approve to go live!

      All the best,
      Jumpstarter Crowdfunding team

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