
A Key for Keys

Non-Profit Organisation

  • R60,500

    Pledged of R60,000 Goal

  • 7


  • 0

    Days Left

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We are fundraising for the key of a vehicle in our hands for our spiritual workers to be able to visit businesses and farms to give others the keys to the Kingdom.


Employers for Christ (EFC) is a non-profit organisation that provides training for employers and employees at their workplace.

We have eight branches and we serve 107 companies and 2470 employers and employees in these branches. Our Bloemfontein branch reaches out to 42 companies weekly which includes a farm in Soutpan and one in Jagersfontein.

This means that the spiritual workers need to travel a lot and drive approximately 3 200 kilometers monthly to reach these ministry points.

We are also aware of the need for our services to expand to other businesses in Bloemfontein and the surrounding towns. To be able to assist in the great need and point people to Jesus and His ways we need to have a reliable vehicle.


We have received many testimonies of the impact of our training and how this has changed lives and families and brought about a transformation in the workplace.

Here are a few:

Personally it helps me to spend more time with God and have a relationship with Him and know Him more. In my family, it has done a lot like uniting us like never before and now we are praying as a family every day before we sleep and every morning before we go. In the community, I teach and tell people about God and what He has done and what He can do in our lives.”

This ministry has added value to my life. I’ve learned more about love, that we should love one another and pursue righteousness in the workplace.”

This ministry made me remember where do I come from and how to pray, how to tell my family about Jesus. Now I can pray and go to church. Thank you, Jesus, for letting me be part of you. Thank you.”

We would like to ask if you would consider supporting us financially through our Crowdfunding project and put a key in our hands to be able to give others the keys to the Kingdom.

We would like to offer you the following rewards just to say thank you.


Thank you for considering helping us to raise funds.

Feel welcome to visit Employers For Christ for more on the ministry or watch our introduction video!

Kindest regards

Employers for Christ


Employers for Christ would like to thank each of our backers and supporters for your open hearts, encouragement, and faith in our campaign!

You gave us a key to a vehicle for us to give others the keys to The Kingdom in a time that is challenging for many. May you be blessed and receive all that you need to walk purposefully. With much appreciation.

Thank you!


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Project FAQ

Who are we?

  • Employers for Christ (EFC) is a non-profit organisation serving employers globally, using biblical principles to enable and equip them and their employees as disciples for sustainable family and community impact.

Where are we based?

  • Gauteng and Freestate, South Africa

Why Crowdfunding?

  • We have a range of supporters, interested people, ministries and organisations, as well as employers and employees connected to the ministry and want to give everyone a chance in giving, even our friends and family.

What is the plan once 100% funding is received?

  • We aim to purchase a vehicle for our spiritual workers to travel to the farms and businesses in need of the training we offer.

Get the Stats

  • 36 Projects
  • ZAR 1,334,724.45 Funded

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