
Koos Kombuis – Langpad na Lekkersing CD


  • R164,200

    Pledged of R100,000 Goal

  • 66


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Koos Kombuis is a veteran of the anti-establishment music scene in South Africa. Having risen to notoriety in the late eighties when he launched an Afrikaans protest movement against apartheid, he went on to build a career in music that spanned more than two decades, thirteen albums and performances in South Africa, Namibia, the UK and Europe. He has collaborated with world-renowned names such as Schalk Joubert, Albert Frost, Vusi Mahlasela, Stef Bos, Gito Baloi, Ramon Alexander, Peter Mitchell and Kevin Gibson.

Koos Kombuis is ‘n veteraan van die Suid-Afrikaanse anti-establishment-musiektoneel. Hy het bekend, of liewer berug, geword, toe hy in die laat tagtigs ‘n leidende rol gespeel het in ‘n Afrikaanse protesbeweging teen apartheid. Sedertdien het hy in sy loopbaan van meer as twee dekades meer as dertien albums uitgereik en vertonings gelewer in Suid-Afrika, Namibië, Brittanje en Europa. Hy het al saamgewerk met groot name soos Schalk Joubert, Albert Frost, Vusi Mahlasela, Stef Bos, Gito Baloi, Ramon Alexander, Peter Mitchell en Kevin Gibson.


At the age of sixty-one, Koos is about to record another studio album with the working title “Langpad na Lekkersing.” He intends to create a folky sound with crossover elements, and has written a number of songs that evoke every emotion from gentle love to dark rage to savage humour.

Op die ouderdom van een-en-sestig wil Koos nog ‘n studio-album opneem met die werkstitel “Langpad na Lekkersing”. Hy beoog ‘n folkmusiek-klank met multikulturele elemente, en het ‘n klomp nuwe liedjies geskryf wat elke emosie ontlok van teer liefde tot donker woede en bar humor.

Koos Kombuis -4

Ideally, Koos needs at least R100 000 to complete the album. This amount will cover the cost of the studio, the payment of musicians and producer, mixing and mastering fees, the design and printing of the CD booklet and pressing of pre-orders.

Ideaal gesproke benodig Koos ten minste R100 000 om die album te voltooi. Hierdie bedrag is voldoende om die koste van die opname-ateljee te betaal, plus die betaling van kunstenaars, die producer, die finale meng, die ontwerp en druk van CD-omslae en die eerste oplaag van bestellings.

Koos Kombuis -3

Koos is appealing to his fans in South Africa and abroad to contribute to this effort in exchange for rewards, public recognition and once-in-a-lifetime opportunities to acquire items of historical significance. This is your chance to become part of the buzz surrounding this album, to feel involved with the project, and to obtain incredible collectors’ items from the private life of the icon himself!

Koos doen ‘n beroep op al sy fans, beide in Suid-Afrika en oorsee, om by te dra tot hierdie projek in ruil vir belongings, openbare erkenning en ‘n eenmalige geleentheid om artifakte van geskiedkundige betekenis te bekom. Hierdie is ‘n kans om deel te word van hierdie ‘buzz’, om betrokke te voel met alles wat gebeur, en om private veramelstukke te bekom uit die private lewe van die ikoon homself!


The FIRST PERSON to PLEDGE R50 000 will receive a free download of the tracks, a signed copy of the CD, an original sketch by Koos Kombuis (A4 size), special recognition in the CD booklet AND THE ULTIMATE COLLECTORS’ ITEM: Koos’ famous BEYERSKLOOF GUITAR, brandishing the logo “My Tros is My Trots!\” This category will be limited to ONE PLEDGE ONLY.

Die eerste persoon wat R50 000 wil gee, ontvang die musiek op sy foon of computer, a getekende CD in die pos, ‘n oorspronklike skets deur Koos Kombuis (A4 grootte), spesiale vermelding in die CD-omslag-boekie ASOOK DIE BESTE VERSAMELSTUK OOIT: Koos se beroemde BEYERSKLOOF-KITAAR waarop die logo “My Tros is My Trots” gedruk is! Hierdie kategorie is SLEGS EENMALIG.

Let’s prove to the world that this is NOT “a pathetic country”! Become one of Koos Kombuis’ Friends and help his team translate this project into reality!

Kom ons wys die wêreld dat hierdie nie “ patetiese land” is nie! Word een van Koos se Vriende en help om hierdie droom ‘n werklikheid te maak!





Hallo Everyone Who Contributed to the "Langpad na Lekkersing" project!

We are very happy to report that this project has been a huge success. Thank you, everyone at Jumpstarter who helped to make the dream of a new Koos Kombuis album come true!

As you recall, our target was R100 000, which we thought at first was a realistic estimate for creating a good CD. We were overjoyed when we overshot our target by collecting about R170 000 in pledges! We were warned by the Afrikaans singer Snotkop right from the start, though, that to record and print a proper album these days cost at least R300 000. His words proved prophetic, as the R170 000 ran out near the end of the project and we had to auction some personal stuff, old notebooks and even some of my sweaty bandana's, in a hurry to collect another R40 000! If some kind individuals had not kindly provided various services for free, manufacturing costs would indeed have been close to R300 000.
Anyway, after months of worry, sleepless nights, mountains of admin and hours of sheer hard work, the album has been completed and is now being printed. According to our lists, everyone who pledged money should by now have received their free download voucher. If you have not received it, check your IN-box or your spam filters, or let us know ASAP.
  • Those of you will are about to receive copies of the signed CD and/or other rewards, you will soon receive emails from us requesting your cell phone numbers. Almost all the mailed items will be delivered by Aramex Store to Door Couriers - they are way more reliable than the good ol' Post Office! - but they do not deliver anything unless we can provide them with a contact number.
  • In the mean time, I have started working on the original sketches which everyone who contributed R5000 or more will receive!
  • The printing of the CD usually takes a few weeks, so please be patient!
  • Anyone who has not pledged and who would like to download the album, "Langpad na Lekkersing" is now available on iTunes and elsewhere on the Internet.
PS: We have taken extra care to make sure, through double-checking and double-checking again, that all the details on the "List of Friends" included in the CD booklet (the names of those of you who contributed R1 000 or more) are correct, but do not hesitate to let us know, as soon as you receive your copy, if Jumpstarter or us have accidentally omitted anyone, misspelled anyone's name, etc.. For this first round, we are not printing all that many CDs, so mistakes can still be rectified once we hit the music stores in a big way with the second imprint.
Ons wens julle almal 'n wonderlike 2017 toe! Lekker Luister, en Dankie dat julle hierdie Lang Pad saamgestap het met ons!
Koos Kombuis

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